- À la cuisine: filet de porc balsamique pour souper et cretons pour le brunch de Jack demain: http://bit.ly/ckDNpy http://bit.ly/a8kPym #
- Check out this Space Weaher Sounds mix courtesy of Allez Allez: http://www.allez-allez.co.uk/2010/01/space-weather-sounds.html #
- Sweet! Motor City Drum Ensemble mix courtesy of XLR8R: http://bit.ly/aeWEXX #
- Nice!! RT @wired: Pat Metheny's "Orchestrion" tour will feature Metheny + 40 robot musicians (video) http://bit.ly/bA6Joq #
- New mix from Aeroplane! Yeah! http://soundcloud.com/aeroplane/aeroplane-chart-mix-january-2010 #
- Well, can't wait to see and hear THAT! http://www.nme.com/news/devo/49449 #
- OMFG! My Complete Miles Davis on Columbia boxed-set just arrived! WOOHOO! http://bit.ly/aziOaf Thanks to everyone who contributed! #
- OMFG!!! THIS IS THE DAY!!! My Complete Miles Davis on Columbia boxed-set (72 cds!) just arrived! WOOHOOHOO!!! http://bit.ly/aziOaf #
- Damn, these Brits have all the fun… http://bit.ly/9xcQnC #
- Fader offers Four Tet's Essential mix this morning: http://bit.ly/4rNuTs #
- Wonder if this little wonder will ever see the light of day… http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Touchtable/358858 #
- Looking for a treasure trove of great soul and R&B classics? Look no further: http://bit.ly/8vG2Cl #
- What do YOU think a band named Yuck sounds like? http://bit.ly/6jo6Lr #
- Is the Apple tablet on its way, or not? I'd like one! http://bit.ly/5eTO59 #
- Will mp3 deluxe (MusicDNA) have an impact on the music biz or the way we relate to digital music? http://bit.ly/7YZJvN #
- What's going on with LCD Soundsystem's new album recording? Check it out here: http://bit.ly/4yb0FL #
- A sign that the end of the world is near? Keith Richards gives up booze! http://bit.ly/7IIMcf #
- A signe that the end of the world is near? Keith Richards gives up booze! http://bit.ly/7IIMcf #
- On aime BEAUCOUP Paul Brisson: http://bit.ly/7tACYg #
- On aime Paul Brisson: http://bit.ly/5RJX2I #
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